Submission Information

Papers must not have been previously published, or be in consideration for, any journal, book, or other conference.

Papers must be formatted according to the LNCS instructions ( In addition to those instructions, please consider that SSBSE is performing double-blind review of all submissions (i.e., authors will not be identified to reviewers, and reviewers will not be identified to authors; see here for more information).  We therefore ask that authors anonymize their submissions:

(1) Omit author and institutional information from the author list on the title page, as well as on all paper headers.  Unfortunately, the llncs format does not provide an easy blinding mechanism.  We thus recommend that you replace author and affiliation info with “Authors/institution suppressed for blind review” so that the header spacing is maintained relative to the page limit.

(2) Remove clues that directly identify the authors from the main paper text.

(3) Anonymize reference to other work by the authors by citing the authors in the third person.  For instance, “Foo and Bar previously proposed the Baz technique [1]” instead of “In previous work, we proposed the Baz technique [1].” We prefer this technique for publications that are readily available and appear in mainstream venues.   If the work being cited is in press, it may be cited as “Anonymous.”

Authors of accepted papers will be able to modify the text to de-anonymize for the camera-ready version of their papers. Feel free to contact the PC chairs (Shin Yoo and Claire Le Goues) if you have any questions or concerns.”

To submit a full (up to 15 pages), short (up to 6 pages) or graduate track (up to 6 pages) papers please go to the EasyChair research track submission website.